Tuesday, December 31, 2013
The Soul of the World (Legends of Amun Ra #2) by Joshua Silverman
Monday, December 30, 2013
#AmReading - Crewel by Gennifer Albin @GenniferAlbin
Crewel by Gennifer Albin
Deadly Secrets
Tangled Lies
Woven truths
Incapable. Awkward. Artless. That’s what the other girls whisper behind her back. But sixteen-year-old Adelice Lewys has a secret: She wants to fail. Gifted with the ability to weave time with matter, she’s exactly what the Guild is looking for, and in the world of Arras, being chosen to work the looms is everything a girl could want. It means privilege, eternal beauty, and being something other than a secretary. It also means the power to manipulate the very fabric of reality. But if controlling what people eat, where they live, and how many children they have is the price of having it all, Adelice isn’t interested.
Not that her feelings matter, because she slipped and used her hidden talent for a moment. Now she has one hour to eat her mom’s overcooked pot roast. One hour to listen to her sister’s academy gossip and laugh at her dad’s jokes. One hour to pretend everything’s okay. And one hour to escape.
Because tonight, they’ll come for her.
Author Interview – Brie McGill @briemcgill
Who is your favorite author and why? Anne Rice is my favorite author in the world: I fall in love with her characters, I get lost in the rich description and elegance of her worlds. I love her philosophical edge and her sense of humor. If there is one writer on the planet I could emulate, it would be her.
I love George Orwell, because he pegged all the issues we face today as a society confronted by the advance of technology. He paints a clear picture about the end result of the abuse of power, both subtle and overt. I wear my George Orwell buttons out in public, and I am always surprised when kids point and ask, “What’s that?” Then I fiendishly rub my hands together and explain…
Hunter S. Thompson and Robert Anton Wilson both make me laugh so hard, out loud, while I read their books. Anais Nin’s erotica is full of revelation, and some passages are so profoundly written that I have to stop and read them twice.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future? You can reliably expect a tumbling mountain of books from me in the future. The Sex, Drugs, and Cyberpunk series is a reboot of an ancient manuscript written in high school that I never finished; I shredded it to pieces and reinvented the story over the course of at least ten tales, which can be read in any order.
Beyond that, chances are I will still continue writing, because I love it and never have been able to stop.
Have you started another book yet? Six Below, the next installment in the Sex, Drugs, and Cyberpunk series, is nearly finished, slated for release in late October. It features an erotic kidnapping, evil megacorporations and the ancient astronaut theory. Stay tuned!
Are you reading any interesting books at the moment? Since I dove headfirst into the wild world of Amazon, I’ve read too many fascinating books by other independent publishers to count! I should blog to keep track of them all. Some of this month’s reading highlights have been: The Assassin Princess, by Blake Rivers, an art-melting-into-alternate-reality fantasy novel that reminds me of Neil Gaiman tales; High Stakes Chattel, by Andie Blue, a smoking-hot historical romance with a handsome, aloof hero and a feisty heroine; The Gordonston Ladies Dog Walking Club, by Duncan White, a thriller with the most complex tapestry of characters I’ve ever read; and Sea of Secrets, by Amanda DeWees, a gothic romance with tongue-in-cheek storytelling that made me yearn for my childhood days of reading Bronte novels.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing? I realized that I can connect with readers through my writing, which is incredibly exciting, and makes me want to write more. When someone resonates with a heartfelt passage that I wrote, it gives me butterflies. I’ve been deeply influenced and inspired by other artists–writers, musicians, visual artists–so it’s awesome to think that my own art could impact someone the same way.
When you wish to end your career, stop writing, and look back on your life, what thoughts would you like to have? I don’t ever want to stop writing! It is, foremost, a hobby and a passion. I’d like to look back on my life and see that I made it a career.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Sci-Fi/Steamy Romance
Rating – R (18+)
More details about the author & the book
Connect with Brie McGill on Facebook & Twitter
Website http://www.sexdrugsandcyberpunk.com/
Quality Reads UK Book Club Disclosure: Author interview / guest post has been submitted by the author and previously used on other sites.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Beyond Neanderthal by Brian Bloom @BrianB_Aust
There is an energy force in the world—known to the Ancients—that has largely escaped the interest of the modern day world. Why? There are allusions to this energy in the Chinese I-Ching, in the Hebrew Torah, in the Christian Bible, in the Hindu Sanskrit Ramayana and in the Muslim Holy Qur’an. Its force is strongest within the Earth’s magnetic triangles.
Near one of these–the Bermuda Triangle–circumstances bring together four very different people. Patrick Gallagher is a mining engineer searching for a viable alternative to fossil fuels; Tara Geoffrey, an airline pilot on holidays in the Caribbean; Yehuda Rosenberg, a physicist preoccupied with ancient history; and Mehmet Kuhl, a minerals broker, a Sufi Muslim with an unusual past. Can they unravel the secrets of the Ancients that may also hold the answer to the future of civilization?
About the Author:
In 1987, Brian and his young family migrated from South Africa to Australia where he was employed in Citicorp’s Venture Capital division. He was expecting that Natural Gas would become the world’s next energy paradigm but, surprisingly, it was slow in coming. He then became conscious of the raw power of self-serving vested interests to trump what – from an ethical perspective – should have been society’s greater interests.
Eventually, in 2005, with encouragement from his long suffering wife, Denise, he decided to do something about what he was witnessing: Beyond Neanderthal was the result; The Last Finesse is the prequel.
The Last Finesse is Brian’s second factional novel. Both were written for the simultaneous entertainment and invigoration of the thinking element of society. It is a prequel to Beyond Neanderthal, which takes a visionary view of humanity’s future, provided we can sublimate our Neanderthal drive to entrench pecking orders in society. The Last Finesse is more “now” oriented. Together, these two books reflect a holistic, right brain/left brain view of the challenges faced by humanity; and how we might meet them. All our problems – including the mountain of debt that casts its shadow over the world’s wallowing economy – are soluble.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Thriller
Rating – MA (15+)
More details about the author
Connect with Brian Bloom on Twitter
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Living The Testimony by Deidre Havrelock @deidrehavrelock
My Personal Testimony
I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, as a Cree/Irish borderline Catholic girl, meaning this half-breed rarely went to Mass. However, I did pray every night. I absolutely loved God and believed in Him deeply. Being Catholic, I had heard about Jesus. In fact, my favorite song was “Away in a Manger.” Whenever I was scared, which was often, I would sing this song. But I imagined Jesus to be a fairytale—a fantasy about a perfect God coming to save people. He was just for good thoughts. He was in no way a reality.
Despite my vague belief in Jesus, my relationship with God seemed deep. I would have conversations with my invisible God; I would tell God I loved Him. And I certainly did love Him. Although, I was becoming a bit frustrated with Him because of my dreary life circumstance. You see, my dad drank—a lot. And this stress, along with the stress of my quickly emerging spiritual life, was simply too overwhelming.
As a child I lived with a strange secret. I sensed an ominous yet deeply intriguing spiritual force in my home. I simply assumed a ghost lived in my house. To convolute matters even more, when I was just seven, a man with fire for hair appeared to me in a dream, forcing me to marry him in front of an upside-down cross. He told me in the dream, “Don’t worry, you have been chosen.” From this point on, I completely believed I was married to the devil—irrevocably dark and aligned with evil.
Fortunately, this dream did motivate me to dig my heels in and search for God. I figured only God could get me divorced from the devil. But instead my search led me to Fred, a kind spirit I met in grade four through a Ouija board. Being Cree, spirits were nothing new to me. My mom’s family always talked about spirits. Most of my aunts and uncles were scared of the spirits or ghosts they saw in their dreams and in their houses, but my grandmother told me the spirits were there to help and protect us. I wasn’t quite sure what to believe. I was confused. After all, the spirits I sensed around me and the ones I saw in my dreams scared me, too. But then again, Fred seemed different. This spirit was nice. He was funny. Fred told me through the Ouija board that his job was to protect and watch over me. Eventually, I began telling myself that spirits just felt creepy, but once you got to know them they could be nice. Especially, if you were nice to them.
Fred became my constant companion. But one day, in grade six, after my best friend’s dad tried to molest me and just after my uncle Glen (who had sexually molested me as a small child) came to live with us in our home, I had a nervous breakdown. While left home alone with Glen, I grabbed a butcher knife and ran to my room to hide. Once in my bedroom, instead of picking up my Ouija board to call on Fred, I cried out to God, telling Him I wanted to kill myself. Suddenly I heard a voice speak out loud: “When you are big everything will be okay.” It was God; He spoke to me. He was real.3 I told God I’d hang on until I was big, which obviously, to a twelve-year-old mind, meant eighteen.
By age sixteen, things seemed to have miraculously changed for the better. First of all, my dad was now inexplicably healed from alcoholism. Second, I was introduced by my high school teacher to a New Age transcendental meditation and channeling group that met weekly in the back room of a small bookstore.4 I was so excited. I thought for sure—in this extremely spiritual group—I would find God and get my divorce from Satan.
This group also told me spirits were good and helpful. However, a few sessions later, I found myself strangely altered after my spirit guide Fred, along with another extremely violent spirit, entered my body during group meditation and refused to leave. A member of the group did attempt to help me force these spirits from my body, but the endeavor failed. Consequently, I was kicked out of my New Age group for having bad karma. This meant I was the one attracting these evil spirits to the group—because I was evil. I left the group feeling deeply hurt, misunderstood, and very aware of being “chosen” by the devil.5
A school friend of mine named Doug, who had joined the channeling group with me, then suggested, without knowing anything about my spiritual past, that I study Satanism. His brother had a Satanic Bible.6 After flatly declining, I began dreaming I was killing people. I also dreamed of horrible evil creatures. Rats invading my house was a common dream, and the devil with fire for hair began reappearing in my dreams, growing angrier every time I refused to follow him. When I turned eighteen, I gave up on spirituality. I simply wouldn’t choose Satan and God had failed to show up and save me.
When I was twenty-two years old, now bulimic/anorexic, depressed, and suffering from intense back pain, my life took an unexpected turn when at work God surprisingly spoke to me again saying, “This is the man whom you shall marry.” That man was DJ, a young man who worked in the same office as I did. Eventually DJ and I began dating, and even though we seemed to have nothing in common—because I was convinced that God had sent him to help me—on our third date, I opened up to him, describing to him my nightmares and my spirit guide, Fred. Of course, I worried DJ might consider me crazy, but instead he said, “I’m here to help.”7
It was a few weeks later that DJ opened up to me, explaining how he believed in Jesus. He told me he believed Jesus was alive. He told me Jesus could heal me and save me; and because he was God’s actual Son, he was the gateway to knowing and experiencing God. DJ asked me to simply trust Jesus.8
But I was more than a little doubtful. In fact, his Christian beliefs made me furious. It seemed idiotic for anyone to believe that a childhood fairytale could be true, and it seemed positively arrogant that DJ thought he knew and understood God. After all, why couldn’t God just save me Himself? What did He need Jesus for? Why was Jesus so important? I argued with DJ about the relevance of Jesus many times. Then one night, after arguing about Jesus yet again, my back flared up with pain. DJ asked if he could pray for me. I was uncomfortable with this but thought, What will it hurt?
As DJ prayed for me, particularly when he asked me to be healed “in the name of Jesus,” my back pain sharply escalated—then the voices began. It was just like during my channeling days. Spirits stirred inside me wanting to speak. Except this time they were enraged. As DJ continued praying, my body contorted as my muscles tightened; a low growl came from my lips. Within seconds, a thick black mass pulled out from my back and hovered above us. I remember huddling against DJ, whispering, “What is that?”
“It’s evil,” he said.
I was terrified. DJ, however, immediately told the evil spirits to “leave, in the name of Jesus.” Surprisingly, the blackness retreated back down inside me. I was horrified and confused, crying and shaking. I didn’t understand I was possessed. All I knew was that Fred and another spirit were living inside me; they were angry, extremely strong, and they absolutely hated the name Jesus.
DJ, now with clear confirmation that my problem was actually demonic possession, had to find help, but where was he to go? He wasn’t sure if his church leadership would believe him. DJ then met with a Christian girl, Audrey, who also worked in our office.9 She and DJ decided to bring me to her church. They hoped her pastor could pray for me and expel the evil spirits.10
DJ convinced me to attend a service. However, shortly after arriving at the church, I found myself running from the service after voices in my head told me to kill the pastor. I remember this pastor was preaching about Jesus being able to heal. The whole service felt strange and uncomfortable to me, but DJ convinced me to go back to this church two more times. Each time I returned, the strength and rage of the voices grew and my strange back pain returned. Finally, much too terrorized and confused to go on, I refused to go back. I told DJ talking about Jesus aggravated my problems, so the solution was obviously not to talk about him.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Christian Living
Rating – G
More details about the author
Connect with Deidre Havrelock on Twitter
Website www.deidrehavrelock.com
The Colors of Friendship by K. R. Raye @KRRaye
Moving On
Lance flicked his wrist and checked his watch. Yes, 5:00 p.m. on the dot. With a smile he knocked on the girls’ dorm room door ready to tackle their English study session. Even though they each pursued different majors: Melody, Communications; Imani, Chemical Engineering; and he studied Business; they all made a vow at orientation to align their core Freshmen classes and liberal arts electives whenever possible.
He heard movement behind the door as one of the girls checked through the peephole and then Imani threw open the door.
Lance smiled and landed a peck on her cheek before he strolled inside.
The phone rang and Imani shoved him towards it. “Could you get that? It’s my mom,” she said heading towards the bathroom she shared with Melody and the two girls in the connecting room.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – New Adult, Contemporary
Rating – R
More details about the author
Connect with K R Raye on Facebook and Twitter
Website http://krraye.com/events.html
The Forgotten Child by Lorhainne Eckhart @LEckhart
How do you tell a man there is something wrong with his child?
THE FORGOTTEN CHILD a kindle bestseller in romance series and westerns. And Book #1 of Finding Love ~ The Outsider Series.This is by far one of the best books I have read. Lorhainne Eckhart proved herself yet again by pulling you in with a heartfelt story and keeping your attention with the passion that fills the pages. ~ ROMANCE JUNKIESA Real Tear Jerker: Omg, I loved this book. I stayed up all night trying to finish it. I cried, My heart broke, I have an 18 year old with autism. This would make a fabulous movie… Tammy
He wasn’t looking to love again. But what he got was a woman who shook his lonely bitter world upside down, and touched him in a way no other woman could.
Emily Nelson, a courageous young mother, ends a loveless, bitter marriage and strikes out on her own. She answers an ad as a cook and live-in caregiver to a three-year-old boy on a local ranch. Ranch owner Brad Friessen hires and moves in Emily and her daughter. But Emily soon discovers something’s seriously wrong with the boy, and the reclusive, difficult man who hired her can’t see the behavior and how delayed his son is. So Emily researches until she stumbles across what she suspects are the soft signs of autism. Now she must tell him, give him hope, and help him come to terms with this neurological disorder–to take the necessary steps to get his child the help he needs.As their lives become intertwined, their attraction is unavoidable–a connection sparks between them. But just as they’re getting close, Brad’s estranged wife, Crystal, returns after abandoning the family two years earlier. Among the shock and confusion is one disturbing question Brad can’t shake: How does Crystal know so much of his personal business, the inner working of the ranch, and Emily’s relationship with his son?Crystal must’ve had a plan, as she somehow gains the upper hand, driving a wedge in the emotional bond forged between Brad, Emily, and the children. The primary focus for care and therapy of three-year-old Trevor is diverted. The lengths to which Crystal will go, the lies, the greed, just to keep what’s hers, are nothing short of cold and calculating. Emily’s forced out of the house. Brad fights to save his boy, to protect what’s his, and struggles over his greatest sacrifice–Emily, and the haunting question: Has he lost her forever?
“Brilliant, there is no other word for it, heart grabbing, heart warming, gut wrenching, well written well researched, wanted to read it over & over again.” Amazon Reviewer – Maureen
BLACK RAVEN’S REVIEWS - Ms. Eckhart has crafted a delightful story with engaging characters, enough drama for a Hallmark movie, and enough unconditional love to last a life time. ~Rated 5 Ravens and a Recommended Read by AJ!~
READERS FAVORITE *5 Star Review A real page turner ~ fast moving plot ~ a must read! by Brenda C. for Readers Favorite
I didn’t expect I’d fall for the four main characters as hard as I did, but The Forgotten Child is an amazing book, not just for a romance fan like myself, but for single parents who may or may not have a child with autism. ~ Reviewer ~ Adria
If you love western romances filled with love, passion and drama, then you’ll love THE FORGOTTEN CHILD. This book will not disappoint!
Other Romantic Stories from Author Lorhainne Eckhart
Finding Love ~ THE OUTSIDER SERIES in order:
Military Romantic Suspense – The Saved Series
- SAVED - Growing up, I had dreams that one day I’d fall in love, get married and start a family. Then one night I was taken. But I survived, I escaped, and I was saved. Eric didn’t see me as damaged. He didn’t see my baby as a monster. He protected me, he kept me safe…he saved me.
- VANISHED - She thought her nightmare was over…
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Contemporary Western Romance
Rating – PG
More details about the author & the book
Friday, December 27, 2013
Midshipman Henry Gallant in Space by H. Peter Alesso
The hours in a day were never enough. Each watch, report, and exam seemed like an organized disruption to Gallant’s desire for food and sleep. Each irreverent “Attention Midshipman Gallant” that blared over his head, called him away to some new obligation. A week after re-qualifying, Gallant joined the other midshipmen in an advanced flight training session conducted by Lieutenant Mather.
Mather was going to review the ship’s computer systems in detail in preparation for a mock combat session. While many of the midshipmen were already up to date on the ship’s AI systems, it was an opportunity for Gallant to catch-up.
Mather stood at the head of the compartment at a lectern facing several rows of chairs. He began describing the Repulse’s computer system, “It’s a marvel of Twenty-second Century technology. It provides three levels of operation for each and every important department on board including: navigation, engineering, weapons, environmental, and communications. The first level is the centralized Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. It performs what we call ‘strong-AI.’ Then, the second level includes system operations of individual departments with their own ‘weak-AI.’ They require more human interaction in order to coordinate systems. Finally, the last level is direct human manual control.”
“Officers, this is the strong-AI system nicknamed GridScape.” A three dimensional humanoid holograph form appeared before Mather. ““The avatar image is changeable,” he flipped through a few before settling on a base form. “I prefer this nondescript image for my lectures. GridScape is a wireless grid computer network consisting of over one million parallel central processors performing a billion-billion operations per second. It helps to control operations throughout the ship and its fighter support within a limited range. It coordinates overall control with our technically trained crew. Of course, it has redundant connectivity for reliability; both direct wiring, as well as wireless connections. GridScape is fully capable of independent automatic operation for most routine operations and many emergency responses that the ship may be required to perform.”
Sandy Barrington stood up and asked, “What happens when there’s battle damage, sir?”
“In the event the strong-AI system is damaged, the weak-AI computer systems take over local functional operation. Of course, every device can be switched to manual operation as required. Also, all crew members have their comm pins. They can connect to local resources that in turn can connect to the centralized AI,” said Mather.
Buy Now @ Amazon and Smashwords
Genre – Science Fiction
Rating – G
More details about the author and the book
Connect with H. Peter Alesso on Facebook
How the English Establishment Framed Stephen Ward by Caroline Kennedy @StephenWardBook
Thursday, December 26, 2013
#AmReading - Trojan Horse by David Lender @davidtlender
Trojan Horse by David Lender
Daniel Youngblood is a world-weary oil and gas investment banker who's ready to hit the beach, when he's hired by a Saudi Prince for an OPEC deal where he can net himself $25 million as a swan song. At the same time, he meets and falls in love with Lydia, an exotic European fashion photographer, who he later discovers is really CIA-trained spy with a shocking past with the Saudi Prince. She convinces Daniel to enlist in what becomes a race for the lovers to stop a Muslim terrorist internet plot to bring down the Saudi royal family and cripple the world's oil capacity, all before they wind up dead.
Excerpts from Bull Street, The Gravy Train and Vaccine Nation, David Lender's other thrillers, follow the text of Trojan Horse.
Along The Watchtower by David Litwack @DavidLitwack
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Corr Syl the Warrior by Garry Rogers @garry_rogers
As he raced through the woodland, Corr practiced with his bow, formed a new stream of thoughts about Rhya, and sorted through story ideas. He stopped once to reset a tilted stepping stone, careful not to harm the tiny creatures living underneath.
Seven miles later, Corr stopped on a rocky hillock and gazed across a rolling plain of dry grass dotted by patches of shrubs surrounding piñon pines. He could see movements of hundreds of creatures on the ground, and in the shrubs and trees.
“Morning, Corr.”
“Hi Illia,” said Corr, looking up at the leader of Wycliff's rock squirrel caucus. “Say, do these patches of piñon-oak grow in other districts?”
“Piñon and live oak often grow together, but I doubt they grow anywhere else with the same mix of shrubs.”
"What about the growth form, shrubs clustered like a cloud of rocket exhaust around each tall tree?"
"Probably. We plant them that way, but if we didn't, over time competitive stress might achieve the same thing. The clusters conserve heat and moisture. It's a common form in cool, dry climates with just enough rain and snow to support a few trees."
Illia gazed at the scene. "Can you see the pattern of the patches?"
"The pattern?"
"Yes. Maybe you can't tell, but it's almost even, not random. That's because of the homogenous soils in this area. We arrange the patches this way to give them equal shares of moisture and nutrients. It's something that might occur naturally if given enough time."
Corr had a good grasp of gleaning, the techniques used to tend the land—all Tsaeb did. “Illia, were you ever in the gleaner assembly?”
“Yes. I completed the training in record time and joined up. An honor for someone so young, but I didn't last. You see, each week the assembly gets together and updates plans. The members merge their sensory webs and start sharing information and ideas. Well, when they do this, everyone starts mumbling and swaying. I couldn't stay serious and had to quit. I liked the problems, though. Predicting and guiding productivity by thousands of interacting creatures makes a superb challenge. I'll probably join again someday. But for now, we need a sentry, don't we?”
Corr knew that as the district rock squirrel leader, Illia probably traveled too often to participate in the assembly.
Illia dropped to a lower boulder. Here it comes, thought Corr.
“Corr, we need to do something about the Danog. Combustion wastes in the air damage the plants and trap heat. All kinds of crap winds up in the water. Every week the assembly says it approaches the limits of its ability to keep up. Pretty soon they'll start mumbling all the time.”
“Head down, bumping into things?”
Illia grinned, but his expression tightened. “Corr, the council will listen to you. Tell them.”
“Illia, send someone to the next council meeting. Or come yourself. Korhonen and some of the other councilors agree with you. They all know what's happening. Tell them you want some action.”
A gentle breeze passed by. Corr looked around. The vegetation would change as the land and climate changed, but the morning activity of its protectors would not. Sapient species cared for the land just as they had for millions of years. They needed his help, but Corr didn't know what to do. He wished Illia wouldn't ask.
“I need to go. Why don’t you come to the Tavern tonight?”
“Stay at your place?”
Corr drew his swords and began practicing attacks and defenses as he ran into the wind flowing up from the valley to fill the void left by its rising sun-warmed higher self.

Monday, December 23, 2013
#AmReading - Picturing Perfect by Melissa Brown @LissaLou77
Picturing Perfect by Melissa Brown
Hadley Foster has been through a lot in her twenty-two years: the death of her beloved father, her mother’s descent into mental illness, and the loss of her soulmate, Jason Kelly, from whom she walked away years ago.
Despite all this, Hadley has remained hopeful and optimistic about life. She has been with upstanding investment banker Tucker for six years, and the future looks bright—until a trip to Europe with her best friend brings a series of events no one could have foreseen. Suddenly the brilliant future she has envisioned for herself seems to shatter before her eyes. She is faced with a stark choice: move on again, or pick up the pieces.
Back home, nerdy but handsome Jason Kelly is now a successful writer who could have anything—and anyone—he wants. But deep down, he still misses his beloved “Haddie” and dreams of winning her back.
When destiny leads their paths to cross once more, Hadley and Jason must confront not only their painful past, but what the future may hold for them both.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The King of Sunday Morning by J.B. McCauley @MccauleyJay
The Mile End Mambo
He held him in his arms and looked into the glassy eyes. Yellow flecks dotted the cornea. This boy was dead a long time before Roger had run him through. He knew the look. Too much top shelf and not enough down time.
The body from which life dramatically seeped away began to convulse. It would not be a Hollywood death. It would be a harsh demise for this gangster. Unexpected but unavoidable. He had stepped on the wrong toes and nobody touched Roger’s patch.
The big screen had always glamorised death but there was nothing glamorous about having a gaping 12-inch gash where your stomach had once been. Roger’s white shirt was splattered with blood and sputum. He noted to himself with an air of cold detachment that he would have to dispose of it later. The boy soldier’s back arched in agony. A gurgling noise rushed from his throat and then he was gone.
Roger put his arm underneath the boy’s knees and slowly lifted him from the red morass that had filled the doorway. He cradled him in his arms and walked slowly along the pavement. A young couple averted their gaze as he struggled with the limp body. They knew not to look. This was after all the witching hour in the East End. What you don’t see, you can’t tell. He turned the corner and moved into another shop doorway. It was a Dixon’s electrical shop exalting the latest stereos and TV’s.
Roger placed the body carefully on the ground. He took one final look at what 10 minutes ago had been the epitome of arrogance, bravery and youth, then left. He walked quickly to the edge of Walters Street, turned into Burden and darted through a now deserted car park and onto Rially. He saw a red telephone box just up from Dunston Road. He opened the door and tried to ignore the stench of piss and shit. He dialled the number and waited patiently for the connection.
His rich baritone West-Indian voice caressed the receiver.
“Yeah, he’s in Dixon’s shopfront on Walters Street.” He paused, digesting the question on the other end of the line.
“Yeah he’s dead. Dead as a door nail. See you at home.”
With that, he hung up the phone and disappeared into the night. His red Rasta beanie swaying as he loped through the shadows. The victim wouldn’t be missed. Roger had nothing to fear. The status quo had been maintained and an example had been made.
Most of all, Rudi would be pleased.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo: Newly Discovered Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Holy Ghost Writer @SultanOfSalem
The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo is a continuation of The Count of Monte Cristo (Book I), related through the voice of Sherlock Holmes and The Sultan of Monte Cristo (Book II). It includes exhilarating new adventures, characters, and ideas, carrying the reader past book I and II and into book III of an ever-expanding new series based on the classic.
Those who have already had the pleasure of reading The Sultan of Monte Cristo will certainly appreciate the unique way in which the Holy Ghost Writer has expanded the original story without the help of anyone (except perhaps from the ghosts of Dumas and Doyle).
In addition to comprising a 3rd sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo, The Sovereign Order of Monte Cristo serves as a prequel to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Action, Adventure
Rating – PG-15
More details about the author
Connect with Holy Ghost Writer on Facebook & Twitter
Website http://holyghostwriterbooks.blogspot.ca/
Quality Reads UK Book Club Disclosure: Author interview / guest post has been submitted by the author and previously used on other sites.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Becoming Human (The Exilon 5 Trilogy, Book 1) by Eliza Green @elizagreenbooks
Two Worlds. Two Species. One Terrifying Secret.
In 2163, a polluted and overcrowded Earth forces humans to search for a new home. But the exoplanet they target, Exilon 5, is occupied. Having already begun a massive relocation programme, Bill Taggart is sent to monitor the Indigenes, the race that lives there. He is a man on the edge. He believes the Indigenes killed his wife, but he doesn’t know why. His surveillance focuses on the Indigene Stephen, who has risked his life to surface during the daytime.
Stephen has every reason to despise the humans and their attempts to colonise his planet. To protect his species from further harm, he must go against his very nature and become human. But one woman holds a secret that threatens Bill’s and Stephen’s plans, an untruth that could rip apart the lives of those on both worlds.
BECOMING HUMAN, part one in the Exilon 5 trilogy, is a science fiction dystopian adventure that you won’t want to put down.
˃˃˃ Thought Provoking SciFi, Dystopian Tale – Compulsion Reads
I would happily recommend this book to fans of dystopia, science fiction and conspiracy lovers. You will be in for an exciting ride.
˃˃˃ Excellent Use of ForeShadowing – Masquerade Crew
This book demonstrates why I read Indie books and have enjoyed doing so immensely. Yes, some self-published books don’t deserve to see the light of day, but this isn’t one of those. Far from it. It was exciting and it had mystery. It sets up the next book while still giving you closure in this one–a difficult task for a book in a series.
˃˃˃”Becoming Human”… a promising first book… 4 1/2 Stars – Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer
A well written and deftly told Sci-Fi tale that got better and better.
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Genre – Science Fiction
Rating – PG13
More details about the author
Connect withEliza Green on Facebook & Twitter
Website http://www.elizagreenbooks.com
#AmReading - Second Chance Hero by Rebecca Serwin @RRSherwin
Second Chance Hero by Rebecca Serwin
'He owns me. Completely, irrevocably. He always has. My heart, body and soul belong to this man and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just hope I'm not too late...'
Two best friends. One Christmas. Unpredictable events that tear a perfect friendship apart.
Jenna Rivera changed after the night on the beach where her heart was broken and she lost everything she thought she had. Gone is the girl who was raised by the sea, replaced by the city girl she swore she'd never be.
Deacon Reid, owner of D R & Son Property Development and the town playboy spends his days avoiding everything his life was before the death of his father five years ago. After losing his dad and his best friend in the same night, Deacon went in search of the trait girls...
Five and a half years, countless one night stands and a stockbroker boyfriend later, Jenna and Deacon reunite. The past and present collide as they mask the all consuming love they feel for each other with a dangerous cocktail of anger, jealousy and lust.
Deacon makes it his mission to win Jenna back, to save her from the years of pain he caused. He swears to be her hero, grasping with both hands at their second chance at the kind of love many dream of .
In life nothing is certain, and every day must be treated as if it's your last. Can they save their love, and each other, before it's too late?
Great White House by Christoph Paul @ChristophPaul_
Most stories should not start with “it was a dark and stormy night” but this evening in Washington, DC could be described no other way. A great storm was raging, as were key members of Congress and other important figures. The politicians waited in silence staring at a blank satellite screen for the eccentric Chinese President Xi Jinping to appear and discuss the massive debt America owed China.
The group was in the East Room of the White House above the library, where a small window reflected the faces of those who had enough ‘klout’ to sit at the round table with President Obama and Vice President Biden.
It would be any news reporter's dream to sit alongside these political heavyweights, but the “China Task Force” or C.T.F. had made this a closed conference, top-secret event. So secret, even Snowden didn’t know about it.
Even if the White House let the press in, the reporters would not have made it through the heavy downpour in Washington, DC. Visibility in the city was close to zero. Normal traffic ended hours earlier as young and old government employees hunkered down in their favorite bars to weather the storm.
Now, rain poured so hard the echoes of the downpour shot through the White House, giving attention to the awkward silence in the East Room.
As the large teleprompter screen remained blank, an animated Michele Bachmann broke the silence. “I just don’t trust these Chinese, even with their food. My husband ends up having problems with his rectal area after he eats it when I’m away. You should see the fees I pay his proctologist. Thank the good Lord we don’t have ObamaCare or he wouldn’t be able to walk.”
The other members of the C.T.F. remained silent, as most believed Mr. Bachmann to be a closeted homosexual. Being the peacemaker, President Obama wanted to avoid any divisive issues. “Yes. I understand. Chinese food, though delicious, bothers my stomach and Michelle’s as well Congresswoman Bachmann.”
Joe Biden rose from his chair and headed toward the decanter on a table at the side of the room. “Hey, Barry, I thought it was only black guys that were late, not the Chinese. Ha. That's good one.”
The oft-amused Biden smiled and gave a self-satisfactory laugh. President Obama shook his head, grateful the press wasn’t here to catch another ‘JoeGaffee.’ Biden poured himself a glass of scotch as Obama popped a piece of Nicorette in his mouth.
“Since this meeting is 'not official,' I suppose it's all right to have a drink.” Biden cheered the room. He brought another cup over to Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan and sat back down; the two had become close since their 2012 Vice Presidential debate and would drink over the ‘malarkey’ of the day.
Eric Cantor, next to his also-tanned counterpart Majority Leader Boehner, was fed up with the jokes. “In all seriousness, what the Chinese President is doing is a power move. It’s a psychological display of dominance. You can’t trust a communist.”
Senator Ted Cruz slammed his fist on the table. “Those commies will play mind games. I agree.”
Congresswoman Pelosi raised her hand. “Excuse me, but I’m more worried about this storm. We might be stuck here.” She gestured at the window. “This storm has gotten dangerous. I'm telling you, it's global warming. Only global warming could cause a downpour of this magnitude! My constituents are very worried about this issue and so am I.”
Democrat Senator Harry Reid and Socialist Bernie Sanders agreed but Congresswoman Bachmann and Congressman Tim Scott shook their heads in annoyance and said a silent prayer for the socialists in the room.
Other Republicans rolled their eyes at Pelosi’s statement. Libertarian-leaning Senator Rand Paul responded, “If global warming even exists, the market will fix it. What we need to worry about is the debt. The Chinese have every right to call this emergency meeting and to want their money.”
Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner (who was called out of retirement to help out the C.T.F.) nodded in approval of Senator Paul’s market solution.
President Obama took a deep breath and offered a fake but serene glance to acknowledge Paul's statement. He put his hand up and quieted the room. “Now, now, let's not have the global warming debate right now, folks. There is talk that the Chinese are very upset about our debt and want us to pay now, which is a surprise to us all. But that is not the only reason for this emergency meeting. The NSA has heard some terrorist chatter about an attack on Annapolis that could dismantle many of our Navy’s resources. They say the Chinese might know about it. We might be in for a long night. Look, if the storm gets worse, you can sleep here; it’s a big house. We can sell to it to the press as a political sleepover. They’ll find that cute and bipartisan.”
New York Senator Schumer rubbed his temples in frustration. “Oi vey, I don’t have my Ambien.”
Senator McCaskill gave him a nice Missouri smile.
“It’s okay, Chuck. You can have some of mine. Senator Rubio, I have some bottled water if you need it, too.”
The group laughed and Senator Rubio inwardly grimaced at the overused joke but mustered a smile that only a man running for President in 2016 could pull off.
Senator McCain put down his unfinished poker game. “You pansies and your sleeping pills. When I was in Vietnam I slept on pure steel and spider shit… President Obama, sir, I’m sick of waiting for these communists. Either you call them or I will.”
President Obama saw an annoyed crowd and felt the temperature in the room rising. On days like this he was sick of being President but he knew this was not a time for self-pity. He looked out at the storm and thought of his Kenyan father herding goats in this type of downpour. His father would not have been deterred by hardships like this. The President sighed with finality. “All right, John, enough is enough. Let’s get President Xi Jinping on screen. We’ve waited long enough.”
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Genre – Fiction, Humor
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author and the book
Thursday, December 19, 2013
White Chalk by Pavarti K. Tyler @PavartiKTyler
Chelle isn’t what most people consider a typical 13-year-old girl—she doesn’t laugh with friends, play sports, or hang out at the mall after school. Instead, she navigates a world well beyond her years.
Life in Dawson, ND spins on as she grasps at people, pleading for someone to save her—to return her to the simple childhood of unicorns on her bedroom wall and stories on her father’s knee.
When Troy Christiansen walks into her life, Chelle is desperate to believe his arrival will be her salvation. So much so, she forgets to save herself. After experiencing a tragedy at school, her world begins to crack, causing a deeper scar in her already fragile psyche.
Follow Chelle’s twisted tale of modern adolescence, as she travels down the rabbit hole into a reality none of us wants to admit actually exists.
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Genre – Literary Fiction/Coming of Age
Rating – R (15+)
More details about the author & the book
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Eden Plague (Plague Wars) by David VanDyke @DVanDykeAuthor
A hard-hitting military technothriller, ON SALE for a limited time. Pick it up today before it’s back to its normal $3.98 price.
A Kindle Book Review 2013 Best Indie Award Winner semi-finalist. thekindlebookreview.net/2013-book-awards/
Rule #1: Try not to shoot your future wife. When special operations veteran Daniel Markis finds armed invaders in his home and it all goes sideways, he soon finds himself on the run from the shadowy Company and in possession of a genetic engineering breakthrough that might throw nations into chaos. Out of options, Daniel turns to his brothers in arms to fight back and get the answers he needs. Soon he takes possession of a secret that threatens the stability of the world, as he leads a conspiracy to change everything.
Eden Plague leads readers into the exciting and engrossing Plague Wars apocalyptic-thriller series. It borrows from the traditions of Michael Crichton, Dean Koontz, with shades of David Drake, Jerry Pournelle, S. M. Stirling, Vaughn Heppner and B.V. Larson.
Also from David VanDyke:
The Plague Wars Series:
- The Eden Plague
- Reaper’s Run
- The Demon Plagues
- The Reaper Plague
- The Orion Plague
- Cyborg Strike
- Comes the Destroyer
Stellar Conquest Series:
- Planetary Assault – contains First Conquest: Stellar Conquest Book 1
- Desolator: Book 2
- Tactics of Conquest: Book 3 (Winter 2013)
PG-13 for language, violence and adult situations (non-explicit)
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – SciFi, Adventure
Rating – PG13
More details about the author
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
#AmReading - Succubus Lost by Daniel Gage @DGage_Author
Succubus Lost by Daniel Gage
Katie doesn't know what she is. All she knows is her touch drains the life from people. And that she has some sort of mystical charm where she can influence people around her to do her bidding.
She gets by as a performer in Las Vegas, until one day she finds herself staring at the business end of a crossbow. Then, when a dangerous felon comes to her aid, her life will never be the same...
If you enjoyed Succubus Lost, check out The Unholy Trinity - Origins! It contains Succubus Lost, as well as the next five parts of the story!
Love Unbroken (Love, Life, & Happiness) by Sheena Binkley @ChevonBink
I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone when I arrived at Shaw University. After my last stint at love, the only thing I wanted to focus on is getting through my first semester of college without any drama. That was my intentions, until I met Shawn Walker. At first I didn’t like him. He was arrogant and cocky; someone that I could easily despised, if he wasn’t so damn sexy. But one night changed my thoughts about him. I was able to let down my guard and be myself. Now, I have a second chance at love. Will I let myself love again, or will I continue to live in the past?
After my last girlfriend cheated on me, love was not on my agenda. I tried to escape it at all costs, until I met Riana Robertson. After thinking she was like every other girl, I easily avoided being around her, but that night, when I saw what happened to her, I had to help her. I had to protect her. That night changed the way I felt about her and I realized I could fall hard for her. But will our relationship survive once she finds out the truth about me. Or will I lose her forever…
This story is intended for readers 17+ (adult content/language, sexual content/language).
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - New Adult Romance
Rating – R
More details about the author
Connect with Sheena Binkley on Twitter
Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Beautiful American by Marilyn Holdsworth @m_holdsworth
* * *
Muttie barked a joyful greeting when Abby returned home later that afternoon. She let herself into the house and went immediately to check her messages. Only two calls, one the local newspaper about an advertisement she wanted run the next week and one a longtime customer checking on an order. She switched off the machine, walked into the living room, and stood for a moment admiring the desk. She had placed it by the window, and the late afternoon sunlight was slanting across its smooth finish. She walked across the room, ran her hand over the top, and traced the delicate decoration on the drawers. She studied the desk’s carved details for a moment and then carefully opened the top middle drawer. It slid out halfway and then seemed to jam. She pushed it back in and tried it again, then again. Each time, the same thing happened. She sank down on the floor, crawled into the desk’s kneehole, and examined the drawer’s underside. The construction appeared normal—no cracks or breaks to catch and keep it from sliding. She worked the drawer out slowly once again, and once again it jammed. “Maybe it’s warped from age.” She frowned. Gingerly she tried each of the other drawers; they all slid easily out. “Well, I don’t want to risk forcing it; I might damage the wood.”
Suddenly the phone rang, disturbing her inspection. Scowling at the interruption, she scrambled to her feet and hurried to answer the persistent ringing.
“Bad time to call?” Came the question on the other end of the line, and she caught her breath, recognizing the voice immediately.
“Not really,” she answered. “How on earth did you get this number?”
“You’ve got a real helpful couple in your shop, you know.”
“I should have guessed. Which one was it, Mildred or Max?”
“I’ll never tell,” he said with a laugh.
And suddenly she was very glad to hear from Nathan Edwards. His voice was warm, deep, and reassuring, and she found herself telling him about her problem with the desk.
“Just slides halfway?” he asked. “Could be a lot of things hanging it up. You were wise not to force it. You could rip out a piece of that old wood, and you sure don’t want to do that. I’d be glad to take a look at it for you if you’d like. Tomorrow’s Sunday, and I could stop by in the afternoon—say around three if that fits.”
They agreed to meet the next day, and she gave him directions to her house. When she hung up the phone, she returned to the living room, but this time, she just looked at the desk. Nathan’s warning about splintering the wood made her reluctant to try the drawer again, and she decided to wait for his help tomorrow.
* * *
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Genre - Biographies & Memoirs
Rating – PG-13
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Rebekah's Quilt by Sara Barnard @TheSaraBarnard
Joseph meandered over to a nearby tulip tree. Plucking something from beneath the shady branches, he started back toward her, two sticks in tow.
He offered one of the sticks to her. “Happy birthday, Rebekah. I carved these for us out of a couple of branches that got knocked off that tree.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “Our tree.”
Freshly carved, the pole’s scent reminded Rebekah of fresh honey. Our tree? Heart pounding, she ran her hand down the smooth wood. “Danke, Joseph.”
“Oh, be careful.” Joseph quickly reached to dislodge a dainty wooden hook she hadn’t noticed before. It had been placed in a special notch in the wood. In his haste, Joseph’s skin brushed hers.
Rebekah froze, a rash of fire and ice trailed Joseph’s hand on her skin, like a shooting star. Surely our hands have touched over the years? It certainly never felt like that.
Ever mindful of his work, Joseph released the tiny hook from his fingertips. It was attached to the tip of the pole with a single strand of horsehair and swung down like a spider swinging on a strand of web.
“A fishing pole!” Rebekah laughed. “I thought it was just a good-smelling stick!”
“Your own fishing pole. Now all you have to do is find a worm and you can catch our lunch.” A full grin dimpled his cheeks.
Her shyness spent at the mention of worms, Rebekah eyed him warily. “I don’t know how to fish. Or catch a worm.”
Joseph’s face lit up. “Well then today’s your lucky day, because I am just the man to teach you.”
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Genre - Romantic Historical Fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author
Saturday, December 14, 2013
#AmReading - For Services Rendered by Patricia Kay @PatriciaAKay
For Services Rendered by Patricia Kay
A Cinderella story . . .
Claire Kendrick didn't know what to think when she was summoned to the 50th floor to meet the president of Callahan, International. As handsome, blue-eyed Nick Callahan explained her special assignment --- writing an article about him for CEO Magazine --- Claire's apprehensions grew. There was something he wasn't telling her, something odd that she couldn't put her finger on. What did he really want from her?
Her green eyes, golden hair, and striking beauty were the first things that had caught Nick's attention. Then he had her background checked out, and he was doubly impressed. Claire Kendrick was a smart, hard-working, loyal employee. She was also supporting her mother, who needed expensive full-time medical care. All in all, Claire was the perfect candidate for the position Nick needed to fill.
While researching the article on Nick, Claire found herself awed by the success story of the man who'd made his first million before he was thirty. His brilliant blue eyes were mesmerizing, his sexy smile distracting, his hidden, kind nature surprising and admirable. And then, out of the blue, Nick offered her a startling proposition. He would support Claire and her mother in exchange for services rendered --- as a wife and mother to his children!
It would have been a fantasy, a dream come true, a Cinderella story --- except for one oversight. Could Claire exist in a marriage of convenience? What kind of marriage would it be . . . without love?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
#AmReading - One Right Thing by Matthew Iden @CrimeRighter
One Right Thing by Matthew Iden
Retired DC Homicide detective Marty Singer is driving through Virginia when he sees a billboard by the side of the road with the picture of a man and a simple, stunning question:
To most, the message means nothing. But Marty stops the car, turns around, and rushes headlong into a deadly mix of drugs, lies, and double-crosses.
Because Marty's got his own history with the man on the sign...and he needs to find out who murdered J.D. Hope and why if he wants to do One Right Thing.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Rebekah’s Quilt by Sara Barnard @TheSaraBarnard
Who can Rebekah trust when the line between English and Amish becomes blurred?
An Amish Settlement. An English stranger. The Blizzard of 1888.
Rebekah’s mother, Elnora Stoll, is the finest quilter in all of Gasthof Village but it seems Rebekah has inherited none of her skill. It’s not until the arrival of a mysterious English stranger that a lifetime of questions are answered and Rebekah, her special friend Joseph Graber, and the entire settlement of Gasthof Village learn the true meaning of what it truly means to be Amish.
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Genre - Romantic Historical Fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author
Author Interview – Lisa Regan @Lisalregan
Are you reading any interesting books at the moment? I am actually completely obsessed with Dennis Lehane right now. I’d always heard of him but never read anything he’d written so I chose the Kenzie/Gennaro book that sounded most interesting to me—Prayers For Rain—and it just blew my mind. I had to download every other book in the series and I’m working my way through them now. I can’t even read anything else, his books are so good. I have no idea what I’m going to do with myself once I’ve read them all.
Are there any new authors that have sparked your interest and why? Nancy S. Thompson. She wrote The Mistaken which came out in October. It’s a really amazing thriller. What I really loved was that with all the twists and turns the book took, I didn’t see any of them coming. That’s really hard to do with a reader who reads crime thrillers constantly. I can almost always see what’s coming next. Not with this one. I also love her writing style. It’s really rich and she’s great at weaving her characters’ conflicting motivations, loyalties and emotions throughout the story.
What are some of the best tools available today for writers, especially those just starting out? The internet. You can find anything you need on the net now. You don’t even really need to buy books on writing although you still should. But everything can be found on the internet. Advice, tips, prompts, critique partners, whatever you’re looking for. Then when you’re ready to either look for an agent/publisher or self-publish, all the resources you need are out there on various websites. Never underestimate the power of a Google search!
What contributes to making a writer successful? I think paying attention to trends in your own genre—to what readers are reading and enjoying—and trying to incorporate those qualities in your own writing. I’m not saying if everyone loves vampires, write a vampire novel. You should write what comes most naturally to you and what you enjoy. But within your own genre you’ll see trends now and then—what’s selling, what’s not. I think that’s important to pay attention to and try to emulate. For example, in my own genre there could be a trend of tough-as-nails female protagonists or female protags who are single moms, etc. Or at times, readers are more interested in reading stories where the main characters are regular people when at other times, professional FBI agents or police detectives might be all the rage. Read the books that are successful and try to figure out what the writers are doing right so you can incorporate it into your own work.
Do you have any advice for writers? Keep writing. That is the best thing you can do for yourself. It will give you practice and take your mind off the side of the business that really stinks—like the submissions process or the actually nitty gritty of publishing. If you don’t keep writing, the magic goes out of it. Keep doing it so you never forget what brought you to the table in the first place.
What do you do to unwind and relax? I take a hot bath and read a good book. It doesn’t get better than that!
“Readers should drop what they’re reading and pick up a copy of Finding Claire Fletcher.” -Gregg Olsen, New York Times bestselling author
“A powerful, emotionally-charged story by a debut author you’ll want to keep an eye on!” -J.C. Martin, author of Oracle
Newly divorced and with his career in jeopardy, Detective Connor Parks takes solace in the arms of a beautiful woman he meets at a bar. The next morning, Claire Fletcher is gone, leaving nothing behind but an address and a decade-old mystery. The address leads to the Fletcher family home where Claire’s siblings inform Connor that their fifteen-year-old sister was abducted from a city street ten years ago and is presumed dead.
During those ten years, Claire endured the cruel torture and depravity of the man who abducted her. Paralyzed by fear and too ashamed to return to her family, Claire is resigned to her life as Lynn, the identity her abductor forced upon her. Every time she attempts escape or betrays him in the smallest way, someone dies. Even now, her clandestine run-in with Connor Parks may have put his life at risk, as well as the lives of her family.
Connor is convinced that not only is Claire Fletcher alive, but that she is also the woman he met at the bar. Driven to see her again, he begins his own investigation, off the clock and without the police department’s consent. He is determined to find her and unravel the mystery of her abduction and odd reemergence. But finding Claire Fletcher proves more dangerous than he anticipates. In fact, it may be deadly.
5-Stars! “. . .heart wrenching, suspense ridden, and eye opening.” -Amy Castellano, Chic Book Chick
5-Stars! “Her characters are strong and believable and they will fill you with emotions that will rock you.” -My Cozie Corner Book Reviews
5- Stars! “. . .This was a fantastic novel and I am looking forward to many, many more in the future.” -Alex J. Clatch, Amazon Reviewer
Buy Now @ Amazon & Smashwords
Genre – Psychological Thriller / Crime Fiction
Rating – R
More details about the author & the book
Connect with Lisa Regan on Facebook & Twitter
Website http://www.lisaregan.com/
Sunday, December 8, 2013
#AmReading - Carpe DiEmily by Riley J. Ford @RileyJFord
Carpe DiEmily by Riley J. Ford
Emily Keane has her life all planned out. She's played by the rules and never stepped outside her box, and now she will finally be rewarded with everything she always dreamed of: a job promotion, a fiance, and a future she can count on. But when her perfectly planned world falls apart, Emily is plunged into the wildest year of her life.
From the beaches of California to Jamaica, New York, and Europe, Emily finds herself on a madcap race against time, running from an unscrupulous organ broker who wants her dead, all the while checking items off her unusual bucket list. On top of it all, she's falling in love with the most unlikely person, a man who can never return her feelings . . . but will his friendship be enough?
Confronting one hilarious misadventure after another, Emily finally learns who she really is and how to seize the day . . .
Author Interview - Belinda Vasquez Garcia @MagicProse
Have you met any people in the industry who have really helped you?
I met bestselling author, Tony Hillerman, half a dozen years ago and he was kind enough to give me a blurb for my book.
What do you hope people will take away from your writing? How will your words make them feel?
I hope people will be educated about Native American bones that were taken from burial sites for research or to be displayed in museums. My writing will touch both their hearts and a nerve.
What color represents your personality the most?
Yellow, I’m mostly sunny and always optimistic, no matter what may come.
What movie do you love to watch?
I used to buy a lot of DVDs because I like a movie I had seen, and then never watch the DVD because there is so much entertainment nowadays with Netflix Streaming, etc. There a handful of movies I own that I watch each year. I love One Night with the King, a romantic story of Esther from the Bible. I greatly admire her strength and courage.
Are you a city slicker or a country lover?
I live in the country right now but I’m a city slicker. I have plans to move back Austin.
What’s your next project?
I’m coming out with a book in December of 2013 called I Will Always Love You. It’s a suspenseful novel that takes place a couple of weeks after 9/11.
A dazzling, family epic of love and forgiveness. Return of the Bones is a very special book inspired by a true story – In 1915, 2,067 skeletons were stolen from the ghost pueblo of Pecos and transported to Harvard University for medical research…In present day and across the miles, the wind carries their cries to Grandfather who hears the bones longing for home.
Hollow-Woman and Grandfather are the last of the Pecos people, but Hollow-Woman is not interested in ancient skeletons. She works at an Indian casino and is of the modern ways, while Grandfather is a shaman and values tradition. She hopes the road trip will heal their broken hearts.
Grandfather fashions a magical dream catcher to help her “see” her ancestors’ lives, and come to love the missing bones, as he does. While driving a ratty old pickup-camper, the cantankerous Grandfather and stubborn Hollow-Woman bicker from New Mexico to the Peabody Museum.
A glowing literary work, with religious undertones of the persecution of Native Americans by the Catholic Church’s Spanish Inquisition. Return of the Bones pulses with emotion. The pages are filled with the comical way Grandfather looks at the world while embracing the heartbreak and spirituality of the Native American peoples.
You may know these famous bones on which landmark studies proved that exercise prevents osteoporosis!
Did you know that President George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, dug up Geronimo’s grave and stole his skull to be used as initiation into the Skull and Bones Society at Yale?
Genre – Historical fiction
Rating – PG
More details about the author and the book
Connect with Belinda Vasquez Garcia on Facebook & Twitter
Website http://magicprose.com/