Lori Ryan

Rachel Thompson

Aicha Zoubair

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Orangeberry Book Tours – Fatal Trial by Mick Bose

Somewhere in USA, ordinary Americans are being tortured in an illegal drug trial unit.

Alex Querci, a young emergency room physician, begins to see multiple odd cases of severe epilepsy.

Faye Duncan works for a pharmaceutical company. She finds out about a secret drug trial. Soon, Faye is being pursued by a vicious killer with lethal intent….

Alex investigates the strange cases and meets Faye. They are now hunted by a force so great no one has the power to stop them.

As millions of lives hang in the balance, Faye and Alex must race against time to save their own, and to prevent a great lie being propagated forever…..

Nazi Gold.

American Drugs.

Fatal Trial.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – Medical Thriller

Rating – PG

Connect with Mick Bose on Twitter


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